Pew Pew Arrgh, PPA for short, is a Tech Demo/Sample Project made with the Photon Quantum multiplayer engine.
The goal of this project was to showcase all of the new deterministic 3D simulation features available in Quantum; in particular the physics, navmesh and KCC.
With this explicit purpose in mind, ATOS thus designed cooperative FPS PvE arena shooter that would highly and exemplify the best practices for working in Quantum.
The gameplay is action heavy, and focuses on player cooperation to survive hordes of enemies. Although it is a survival game, the gameplay revolves around the action of survival rather than the individual tatics employed to do so.
This is translates into a very tight core loop which can be summarizes as "Boom, Bang, New weapons, Different Boom, More Bang!".
No given player can survives all by their loneself and has to work together with their team mates to remain alive. Should a player die, they will respawn as soon as one of their team mates is in a relative secure position. Reminiscent of old arcades games, PPA only ends one way... with everybody dead! The emphasis is placed on players learning from their mistakes thus improving their team play each time to boot up the game.
The highlights of this sample project are:
The sample project was made with:
A compiled version of the game can be downloaded on our itch:
The source code (Quantum + Unity) is fully documented and freely available to any Quantum Developer.
N.B.: The tech demo runs on European servers. Region selection has not been made available in the current version.